Band Department
Zane Trace Local Schools


Mrs. Kate Waller
Zane Trace Band Director
740-775-1809 ext. 2194

Zane Trace Band Boosters Executive Board

President: Sarah Goodman

Vice President: Jetta Sparks

Treasurer: Kellye McGraw

Secretary: Jennifer Ruggles


Zane Trace Color Guard

Samantha Blevins

ZT Color Guard Advisor


ZT Band Information Video (2020)

When everything went virtual in 2020, we created this informational YouTube video about how to sign-up, band activities, performances, opportunities, and a few thoughts from our band.


7th-12th Grade Preview Concert


Project Bridge Middle School Honor Band

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Congratulations to Addison Borland and Carly Mead on their performance with the 2nd Annual Project Bridge Honor Band at Logan High School on February 22nd, 2025!

Catch the performance on Youtube! Project Bridge Honor Band Concert Youtube Video

Project Bridge Inc.

Wright State University Honor Band

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Wind Symphony 1

Congratulations to Sam Goodman and Connor Hill on their performances with the Wright State University Honor Band Festival. It was an inspiring 3 day event culminating in several musically rich concerts. Their performances were live-streamed on Wright State University School of Fine and Performing Arts: Music facebook page.

Sam Goodman performed with the Wind Symphony Honor Band.

Wind Symphony Honor Band Concert Facebook Livestream

Connor Hill performed with the Symphonic Honor Band.

Symphonic Honor Band Concert Facebook Livestream

Ross County High School Honor Band

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The Ross County Honor Band put on a stellar performance featuring some of the areas finest musicians, including eight students from Zane Trace! The Ross County High School Honor Band was on Tuesday, January 28th at the Chillicothe High School Auditorium. The band was under the direction of Dr. Gretchen L. McNamara, the Senior Lecturer of Trombone and Music Education at Wright State University.

Madalyn Lombardo, Blake Knight, Silas Ruggles, Connor Hill, Vernon Holdren, Sam Goodman, Carly Picklesimer, and McKenzie McQuirt did a fine job representing our band, school, and county. We are proud of you and your hard work. Thank you so much for taking advantage of this opportunity!

Thank you to everyone who came to watch their performance! Your support means so much. It was great to see so many friends and family of friends in the audience. It's amazing how much you all have accomplished in the short time you have had together.

Ross County Honor Band Concert Poster

OMEA District 16 High School Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Events

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Congratulations to the Zane Trace Pioneers who performed at the Ohio Music Education Association District 16 High School Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Events at Unioto on Saturday, January 15th! Everyone did a wonderful job and we are very proud of your hard work! These students displayed maturity, grace under pressure, and are truly supportive of each other.

Scarlett Chaney received an Excellent rating on her Class B trumpet solo.

Connor Hill performed a Class A festival trombone solo.

Sam Goodman received a Superior rating on his Class B snare drum solo.

McKenzie McQuirt, Sam Goodman, Addison Gawelek, Chloe Johnson, Carly Picklesimer, and Annabell Jaynes received an Excellent rating on their Class B percussion ensemble.

Blake Knight, Madalyn Lombardo, and Tegan Sparks received a Superior rating on their Class C saxophone trio. (Huge thank you to Madalyn for learning tenor saxophone so our lovely saxophones could have this opportunity to play an ensemble!)

Silas Ruggles, Scarlett Chaney, and Vernon Holdren performed a Class C festival brass ensemble.

Vernon Holdren received a Superior rating on his Class B tuba solo.

Madalyn Lombardo, Andrea Carroll, and Danika Conrad received a Superior rating on their Class C clarinet trio.

We’d also like to say thank you and congratulations to the amazingly talented Michelle Wright Parker (RCCA Band Director) for accompanying our soloists and to Colleen Coyan McClure (Unioto Band Director) for hosting the event! Well done!

Zane Trace 5th-12th Grade Band Holiday Concert

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HC 2

Congratulations to our 5th-12th Grade Concert Bands on their wonderful performances at the 2024 ZT Holiday Concert! Thank you for all of your hard work so far this year! Enjoy your break!

“How ‘Bout That Band?!”

Videos are available to download/share in their Google Classrooms!

Holiday Concert 2024

Ohio University Honor Band

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OU Honor Band

We want to give a major shoutout to these amazing young people: Silas Ruggles, Blake Knight, Madalyn Lombardo, and Vernon Holdren!

Congratulations on your awesome performance at the Ohio University Honor Band Festival December 5th-7th! This was our first year sending ZT students and you all did an excellent job representing our school! We are so proud of you and grateful for all of your hard work! Keep it up!

Zane Trace Band Boosters 13th Annual Car and Bike Show will be on Saturday, August 24th in front of Zane Trace High School.

Vehicle and Vendor Registration is now open at the Zane Trace Band Booster Car Show Website!

2024 Car and Bike Show Flyer

7th-12th Grade Marching Band Parent Meeting 2024

ZTHS Color Guard

Picnic at the Playground

Beginning Band and New Member Parent Meeting will be Wednesday, May 15th at 6pm in the Cafeteria!

Link to PDF of Parent Meeting Poster with active links

Beginning Band and New Member Parent Meeting Flyer

4th Grade and New Member Instrument Fittings will be on Wednesday, May 8th during the school day.

Music educators from Music and Arts will be with us all day helping prospective students decide which instrument is their favorite or best fit. It's a fun opportunity to get to see what it's like playing a band instrument. It's a lot easier than it looks and the more you do it, the easier and more fun it gets! 4th Grade classes will visit the band room during pre-scheduled times throughout the day.

Any 5th-11th grade students interested in joining Band, please register for a May 8th Instrument Fitting during your lunch! Fill out the google form to Register:

PDF of Fittings Poster with Active Sound Links!

Instrument Fittings Graphic 2024

ZT Band Sign-Up Form 2024-2025

5th-12th Grade Band Spring Concert Flyer

6th-12th Grade Band, Family, Alumni, and Friends Play-A-Thon Jam Session 2024

Members of the 2024-2025 7th-12th Grade ZT Marching Band are collecting sponsors and donations for their HS Band Camp and marching band fees. Current band, family, alumni, community, and friends are welcome to come play or pledge any amount towards the students' individual fees! Please register by Thursday, May 9th to reserve an instrument and allow time to organize/prepare the music for the event!

Link to PDF of Play-A-Thon Sponsor and Information Letter

Link to PDF of Play-A-Thon Poster with active links

Play-A-Thon 2024 Poster

2024 ZT Band Preview and LG Concert Flyer

Congratulations to our Junior High and High School Bands on their great Large Group performances at Miami on March 9th!

HS LG 2024

JH LG 2024


We have a lot of talent at Zane Trace and there are usually some students in each grade that are curious about the band program. We want to make sure they have access to all the information they need. If you would like to sign up for band, check out the general information documents and reach out to Mrs. Waller, the middle school office, or the high school office for sign-up information. The 7th-12th Grade Marching Band begins in July, so make sure you get signed up before the end of the school year.
