Join us on Thurs., Feb. 27th at 7pm in the ZTHS Gym for the 7th-12th Grade OMEA Large Group Preview Concert! Bake sale available at 6pm. Catch a sneak peek of what the bands will perform on stage at Miami Trace HS on Sat., Mar. 15th! Performances are free and open to the public.

Join us for a fantastic performance featuring some of the areas finest musicians, including eight students from Zane Trace! The Ross County High School Honor Band is tonight (Tuesday, January 28th) at the Chillicothe High School Auditorium. The band is under the direction of Dr. Gretchen L. McNamara, the Senior Lecturer of Trombone and Music Education at Wright State University.
Good luck to Madalyn Lombardo, Blake Knight, Silas Ruggles, Connor Hill, Vernon Holdren, Sam Goodman, Carly Picklesimer, and McKenzie McQuirt on a wonderful performance tonight! It's amazing how much you all have accomplished in the short time you have had together.
The Ross County High School Honor Band Concert begins at 7pm. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students, and free for children 5 and under. Doors open around 6:40pm.

Please see the open vacancy for MS Language Arts Teacher 2025-2026

A notice regarding state and district assessments, as required, is attached. Also, you will find sections of the Every Student Succeeds Act about testing.
This letter will also be posted under the Parent Resources page (under Assessments).

Zane Trace High School Hope Squad participated in the Suicide Prevention 5k today in Yoctangee Park.

3 Hr Cook Vacancy

Treasurer Vacancy Notice

Please see the Parents Right-to-Know letter for the 2024-25 school year. A pdf copy of this notice can also be found in the documents section of parent resources.

Please see the ZTLSD Curriculum/Grants Uodate

ZT Alumni, Family, and Friends, you're invited to dust off your old horns and jam with the 2024-2025 7th-12th Grade Zane Trace Marching Pioneers as they play to raise money for Band Camp and Marching Band Fees at our 2nd annual Alumni and Friends Play-A-Thon Jam Session. They are currently collecting sponsors and donations. It will take place on Saturday, May 11th from 10am-3pm on the ZT Cafetorium Stage. This event is open to any 6th-12th grade band members, future band members, family, friends, and alumni to come play! Please pre-register to reserve an instrument and allow us time to put together packets of music! Music will be selected from method books, beginning band literature, chamber music, boomwhackers, maybe some karaoke, and marching band music!
Follow the link to pre-register: https://forms.gle/nJGgDyw1SAVWYead9
PDF of Sponsor and Information Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14S9VlAV2g0TM60rZerQF9Z_DYDInlMAPHqOZh9gUKHM/edit?usp=sharing
PDF of Flyer with active links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BkF1ZTts0C642VEHjHjWrYRZFpFqF71k/view?usp=drive_link
Contact Mrs. Waller with any questions! kwaller@ztlsd.org

Any 4th-11th grade students interested in joining the Zane Trace Band for the 2024-2025 school year, please turn in a sign-up form, 5th-11th grade should register for a May 8th Instrument Fitting, and join us on Wednesday, May 15th for the Beginning Band/New Member Parent Meeting in the ZT Cafeteria at 6pm!
PDF of Band Sign-Up Form with active links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eYymTdRrCKQMB1JWWYH5D8FkJIQiZPhv/view?usp=sharing
5th-11th Grade New Members, please follow this link to register for a May 8th Instrument Fitting during your lunch or intervention: https://forms.gle/pgTrjFdABU1aUMYa6
Click PDF Link to view Instrument Fitting Flyer with active sound links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a63ja725an9BNToGuvFUOfG-BMIb7kJr/view?usp=drive_link
Click PDF Link to view Parent Meeting Flyer with active links:
Contact Mrs. Waller with any questions about band at Zane Trace!

Please join us tonight for the Zane Trace 5th-12th Grade Band Spring Concert at 7pm in the Zane Trace High School Gym!

Family Fun Night

ZT is making previous years' editions available. Grab past ZTHS yearbooks at a discounted rate before they are gone!

Check out the first grade Valentine exchange from Mrs. OYER's first grade class from other students across the U.S.!

Mr. Overly swears in the new members of the Zane Trace Local School Board with the oath of office.

Kingston Youth League Baseball and Softball signups now open!

General-purpose financial statements and tax budget for 24-25 are on file and available for public inspection in the ZT Treasurer's office.

Thanks to Kingston National Bank for their continued support of the Zane Trace Pioneer Pantry. KNB's donation helps the pantry provide holiday meals for families in need!

First day of ZT Esports for the 23-24 season. Thanks to everyone who has supported this opportunity for ZT students!